Palabras clave:
Sustainability. Social Development. Economic Impacts. Political-institutional IndicatorsResumen
The objective of this study was to evaluate the sustainable development of the municipalities in the state of Mato Grosso whose economy is based on agribusiness and service provision. The sustainable development of municipalities was assessed by the Sustainable Development Index of Municipalities (SDIM) which is composed of 23 indicators divided into six sustainability dimensions (social, economic, environmental, political-institutional and cultural). SDIM has been rated as critical, alert, acceptable and ideal sustainability. All sustainability dimensions had a critical or alert level in Mato Grosso, except the environmental dimension with an acceptable level that was positively influenced by the water supply service to the population. Sustainability is at alert or critical level in 130 municipalities. Cuiabá, the capital of the State, was the only municipality that presented an ideal level of sustainability. The Eastern portion of Mato Grosso was the region with the largest number of municipalities at a critical level of sustainability, while the South-Central portion had the largest number of municipalities at the acceptable level. This asymmetry in SDIM indicates a vulnerability in the development of the State, demanding specific public policies to improve the social, economic and political-institutional indicators of the municipalities. The municipalities with the highest values in the economic dimension had the highest values in the social dimension. Municipalities with higher values of SDIM had higher values of Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI). Therefore, the good economic development of the municipalities has positively impacted the social services to population.Descargas
Cómo citar
Machado, N. G., Santos, G. T. dos, Biudes, M. S., Silva, J. L. da, Bacarji, A. G., Costa, M. E. L. da, & Bilio, R. de S. (2020). SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT INDEX OF MUNICIPALITIES IN MATO GROSSO. RBGDR, 16(1). Recuperado a partir de
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