Industrial location in Northern Fluminense: an analysis in terms of supply and demand for locational factors


  • Sérgio Nogueira Fiuza
  • Angélica Faria Campanhão
  • Henrique Rego Monteiro da Hora
  • Helder Gomes Costa


competitiveness, industrial localization, Norte Fluminense


In a traditional approach, one of essential factors for a organization be more competitive consist level of facility for the access to reduced cost inputs. However, in last decades, globalization hás been responsable for deeps transformations on mundial economy and in the internacional trade, so that remain on the marketing just the business that get to create and developer competitives advantages. This search for facilities, one question that hás been motive of preocupation on industrial enviroment is the problem where find the industrial activity, due to the fact of a bad location represents non-competitiveness. This work represents a industrial localization study, with the objective to indentify the more locations indicated among the counties north fluminense, in terms of supply and demand for locacionals factors of the industry, to the instalation of a certain industrials activity group. It was aplied in this search the Localization Model COOPE/COSENZA, with some methodological adequacy made for Valdiviezo Viera (2007). To apply this model, that use the matrix algebra fundamentals to proccess the obtained information, It was executed the following activities: survey of alternatives for location, suvey for activities industrials, selection of locacionals factors, assignment of weights to factors and construction of model. Through the analysis of data obtained, it was found that the municipalities of Campos dos Goytacazes and Macaé a significant competitive advantage in relation to other municipalities of the North Fluminense. The application of the model has extracted relevant conclusions, providing grants for academic managers in their public and private decision making.

How to Cite

Fiuza, S. N., Campanhão, A. F., Hora, H. R. M. da, & Costa, H. G. (2012). Industrial location in Northern Fluminense: an analysis in terms of supply and demand for locational factors. Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Desenvolvimento Regional, 8(3). Retrieved from


