Perception of social actors on the use of alternative technologies and mitigated environmental impact by hotel enterprise in Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul


  • Camila Rocha Carrenho
  • Regina Sueiro de Figueiredo
  • José Sabino


Ecotechniques, Biobusiness, Tourism, Hotels, Sustainability


The study of exploratory and descriptive character shows some aspects of technological innovation, as perceived by community representatives and associates involved in the class hotelier and tourists who visited Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul State, from November 2008 to 2009. It detaches these innovations called ecotechniques to the dimensions: knowledge, use, importance and attributed responsibility to mitigate ambient impacts caused by the tourist activity. One notices that the community and associates of classroom have knowledge of some ecotécnicas, they know of the importance and they present proposals for the search of the sustentabilidade and the preservation of the place. Also, tourists and administrators of the hotels bring the concern of the sustentabilidade, but, for the constructed way. Soon, the study contributes for the implantation of “green hotels” and subsidizes the creation of laws and mitigadoras actions of ambient impacts for the City.

How to Cite

Carrenho, C. R., Figueiredo, R. S. de, & Sabino, J. (2012). Perception of social actors on the use of alternative technologies and mitigated environmental impact by hotel enterprise in Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul. Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Desenvolvimento Regional, 8(2). Retrieved from




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