



Indicação geográfica. Território. Rio Grande do Sul. Polí­ticas públicas. Desenvolvimento regional.


The topic of geographical indications in Brazil, although new, has grown in importance in the last two decades.The research aimed to systematize factors for assessing the sustainability of territories that have products with GI and for prospecting new GIs, allowing the evaluation, under the same basis, of different products and territories. The study used as theoretical and methodological basis the territorial approach and it was structured in five stages, which involved the search for theoretical and empirical references to the proposal and test of the framework. The systematized framework proposed 20 factors organized into five dimensions of sustainability (environmental, social, economic, political-institutional and territorial), which were unfolded into indicators. The test was carried out in eight regions of Rio Grande do Sul (four recognized, one in analysis and three in prospection or structuration), encompassing different products, categories, regions and degrees of maturity and development. The data were confirmed using triangulation of results with results from other studies, fieldworks and interviews with experts. The main results referring to the GIs of RS, point to the presence of products with territorial identity and the strengthening of territorial factors, with special emphasis on the performance of CTIs. The dynamism of the processes of the GIs, on the other hand, goes through political-institutional factors, especially governance, and in the structuring related to economic factors and the presence of professional management. Initiatives related to environmental factors can be strengthened, contributing to the sustainability of GIs and also positioning them as mechanisms for preserving biodiversity. The validated framework can be used in other contexts and future projects, by researchers, managers and formulators of public policies.


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How to Cite

Flores, S. S., & Falcade, I. (2022). TERRITORIAL SUSTAINABILITY AND GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS: A PROPOSAL FOR FACTORS TO ASSESS OPPORTUNITIES AND BARRIERS IN GIS. Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Desenvolvimento Regional, 18(3). https://doi.org/10.54399/rbgdr.v18i3.6146


