Study of environment impacts in soils: Acid lead type used car bateries recycle case


  • Josely Dantas Fernandes
  • Edilma Rodrigues Bento Dantas
  • Juliana Nóbrega Barbosa
  • Edimar Alves Barbosa


environment impacts, soils contaminade, bateries recycle, lead


Increasing  number of soils contaminade by lead,  can be found nowadays,  specialy  because  of  its  use   in the composition of many industrial products,  which are demanded by modern society. For example, lead is used in pipe manufacturing, electrical  wire covering, sink, tank and roof  manufactering, and specialy in car bateries manufacturing. This fact  causes the appearance of a signifcant number of companies which recycle this type of batery. The process starts when the lead plates are taken off from  the bateries  and then smelted in a hight  temperature oven. Afterwards the melted lead is transformed into solid pieces and finaly selled to industries that manufaturate bateries, to use them as a secondary raw material.The recycle bateries process produces solid residues that are left in the soil because it has not trade value. This fact causes  contamination of the environment  by  lead and  other  elements. When  soil absorption  limits is exceeded, the metal remains in the soil surface and can be consumed by the feed chains,  causing big problems  to the people health and to the ecosystem as a whole.This work makes a survey  of environment  impacts caused  byan industy that manufaturate this kind of recycle and it is situated in Campina Grande city.

How to Cite

Fernandes, J. D., Dantas, E. R. B., Barbosa, J. N., & Barbosa, E. A. (2011). Study of environment impacts in soils: Acid lead type used car bateries recycle case. Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Desenvolvimento Regional, 7(1). Retrieved from


