Construction sector in Minas Gerais: dynamic and importance for the state economy


  • Luciene Pires Teixeira
  • Marí­lia Fernandes Maciel Gomes
  • Antônio Braz de Oliveira e Silva


regional development, strategic development, industrialization.


The article aims to show that the construction industry, for its special features, is of great importance to any economy and should be a priority focus of development strategies. In particular, the study seeks to identify whether the construction is a dynamic sector for the mining economy, assessing, from the 1990s, their structural characteristics, its power sector and its linkage to economic and social impacts on the state economy. Examination of the Rasmussen-Hirschman indices for connecting front and back of the building indicates that mining, aggregate, this industry is not a key sector for the state economy. However, when analyzing these same indicators for supply chain activities or groups of building components, it is evident the unique role of constructive industry in the socioeconomic development of Minas Gerais. It is hoped that this study will throw new light on the public policies for the industry and state development strategies.

How to Cite

Teixeira, L. P., Gomes, M. F. M., & Silva, A. B. de O. e. (2011). Construction sector in Minas Gerais: dynamic and importance for the state economy. Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Desenvolvimento Regional, 7(1). Retrieved from


