Water Footprint And Its Interaction With A Virtual Water: Shades Of Water Resources Commoditization


  • Jairo Bezerra Silva
  • Lemuel Guerra Sobrinho
  • Marcionila Fernadez
  • Ângela Maria Cavalcanti Ramalho


Waterprint, virtual water, the hydric scarcity ideology


The aim of this article is examining how the concepts of water footprint and virtual water articulate themselves under an ideological matrix which has been justified itself by alleged situations of global hydric resources scarcity. Due to the idea of an increasing shortage of water in the World, new discourses on that subject purpose strategies to solve the alleged global water crisis without focusing on deep material and cultural changes, for instances about consumerism and water wasting. We discuss here the international agenda for the hydric resources field, which is based in the general idea according to that in order to face the water scarcity big international corporations should control their increasing need of water using methodologies to calculate the amount they should use as those of water footprint and virtual water.



How to Cite

Silva, J. B., Sobrinho, L. G., Fernadez, M., & Ramalho, Ângela M. C. (2014). Water Footprint And Its Interaction With A Virtual Water: Shades Of Water Resources Commoditization. Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Desenvolvimento Regional, 10(4). Retrieved from https://www.rbgdr.net/revista/index.php/rbgdr/article/view/1545


