Learning, innovation and cooperation in the mountain wine APL Gaúcha


  • Claudio Vinicius Silva Farias


Strategy, Innovation, Learning, Cooperation, Vitiviniculture


This work was developed from an empirical study on the processes of cooperation and learning in Local Productive Arrangement (APL) of the Serra Gaucha wine. Sought to relate these processes - cooperation and learning - with the innovative capacity of firms. For this purpose, we performed field research in order to understand that learning mechanisms to support innovative strategies adopted by companies. Since such learning processes occur in the form of relationships present within the array, we sought to understand whether such interaction generated cooperative ties, and what are these. This article presents the data collected in research conducted with twenty wineries APL Serra Gaucho, and eight interviews with organizations linked to the sector during the months of January and February 2010. The work is divided into four sections, namely: characterization of wine production, research methodology, including a profile of the sample; 'perception about their innovative activities and cooperatives, as well as on their learning processes, and on Finally, the concluding remarks.

How to Cite

Farias, C. V. S. (2013). Learning, innovation and cooperation in the mountain wine APL Gaúcha. Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Desenvolvimento Regional, 9(2). Retrieved from https://www.rbgdr.net/revista/index.php/rbgdr/article/view/1028


