Urban fringe: production and apropriation analyzis of periurban spaces in Recife, Pernambuco


  • Deyglis Fragoso de Lima
  • Milena Dutra da Silva
  • Cybelle Frazão Costa Braga
  • José Augusto Ribeiro da Silveira
  • Eduardo Viana Lima


Urban sprawling, Peripheral areas, Urban fringe, Immovable dynamics.


This study aimed to understand the dynamics of production and appropriation spaces in peripheral areas of the city of Recife through the study of the immovable dynamics in neighborhoods Tejipió and Sancho considering the period from 1980 to 2010. We considered physical, social and economic aspects. We used as an analysis tool the iconographic support, statistical data obtained from the planning agencies of Recife and the data generated by field surveys analysis in 2010 (typological analysis and questionnaires). The phenomenology of the edges under the viewpoints physical and social helps to understanding of complex urban. Were identified at the urban fringe in southwest of Recife, features derived from the model of city sprawling, for example: deficiencies in infrastructure and urban services, land and immovable speculation, unequal conditions of access to land and housing, and densification population and constructive. These last characteristics differentiate the area analyzed from other areas examined by literature. Noted further that immovable department formal investment prefer to establishment of condominiums uprighted. Was found that the areas are predominantly residential and had their establishment influenced by accessibility to the city center and urban facilities, in addition to the low land value and rent when compared to the more central areas. The area present high characteristics of space consolidation: long residence time and reduced urban voids and a high density constructive.



How to Cite

Lima, D. F. de, Silva, M. D. da, Braga, C. F. C., Silveira, J. A. R. da, & Lima, E. V. (2014). Urban fringe: production and apropriation analyzis of periurban spaces in Recife, Pernambuco. Revista Brasileira De Gestão E Desenvolvimento Regional, 10(4). Retrieved from https://www.rbgdr.net/revista/index.php/rbgdr/article/view/1531


